Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Roller Set on Natural Hair

I did a roller set on my hair last month to see how it would look stretched out.
February 2012

I washed my hair for the last time with Silk Elements moisturizing shampoo. I did some more research on sulfates and I learned that sulfates can cause hair loss so I will not be using Silk Elements anymore. I will stick to my natural Shea Moisturize products. I deep conditioned under the dryer with Motions and a leave in with Shea Moisturize. I used Eco Styler Gel to set my hair on the rollers under a hooded dryer with magnetic rollers. My hair stretched out pretty well. It is very short however. The curls did not last but a day. The next day my Afro was back... I will not straighten my hair again with a roller set until it is longer. I did not like the results.