Monday, January 23, 2012

Bye, Bye Relaxed Ends: The Final Big Chop

Well I finally did it. 22 days after my initial kind of a big chop I have now freed myself from the remaining relaxed ends. It just looked funny to me to have the short natural coils in the back and then to have those relaxed ends half curled sitting on top of the poofy natural hair. I've been rolling it around in my head for awhile now and tonight I finally did it. I started with the edges and then just cut the rest. I wet the hair first so that I could differentiate between the natural hair and the straight hair since natural hair curls when it is wet. I have been transitioning since June of 2011. About five months shy of a year.

I'm glad I transitioned slowly to get my mind ready for cutting my hair the drastic length change. I am glad that I cut my own hair, I didn't feel violated, I felt liberated. Dealing with two textures was not horrible, however as my relaxed ends thinned in the back the more I felt a need to cut them, so I did. This made it a little weird when I stopped rolling the back and opted for twisting instead. So then I had this natural style in the back and these curls in the top. I'll wear it in coil outs and an Afro until it grows out. 

Snip Snip

It was probably about three inches of relaxed ends per section.
I used the Curling Custard to make my coils.

Bye, bye relaxed ends
100% all natural.